GMO Lab - May 1, 2018

Rachael Allis '21 & Baily Thomas '18

In class for the Italy trip we studied GMO's or genetically modified organisms. We completed a three day lab which analyzed our favorite snack foods including popcorn, pretzels, and potato chips. During the first day the class prepped and extracted the DNA from the snacks. The second day of the lab we prepped the PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which mass produces selected DNA using scientific equipment. The third day we prepped and ran a gel electrophoresis procedure to observe wether GMO's were present in the snack foods. A majority of the snack foods were found to have GMO's. In the first picture to the right Dr. Bezotte is showing us how to prepare our gels and in the picture to the left Emily Joerger '20 is seen pouring the gel into the electrophoresis apparatus.


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